How Does Acne Form?

- Acne forms when hair follicles get clogged by sebum (oil) and dead skin produced by your body. This lets bacteria causing acne grow under the trapped follicle.
This is known as a blocked pore or a microcomedone and it is invisible to the naked eye.
As the microcomedone grows, it becomes known as a comedone (a visible bump). The comedone becomes either a blackhead or whitehead.
A blackhead forms when the pore is open and is plugged with sebum and dead skin. Since the pore is open, air reaches inside and causes a chemical reaction (oxidization) with your skin pigment (melanin) which makes it turn black.Whiteheads are tiny white dots that form when the pore is closed and air can’t reach inside. This prevents oxidization and the comedone keeps its natural color, white.
A blackhead or whitehead can then either take one of two routes:
If number 2 happens, white blood cells rush into the ruptured black/whitehead. This causes inflammation and swelling, turning it from a comedone into a papule.
1. Release its contents and disappear
2. Rupture and spill into the skinOnce the white blood cells are inside the papule and begin to surface to the skin, the papule turns white, turning it into something called a pustule or what people commonly call a “zit” or “pimple”.
Normally, the clogged pore ruptures at the surface and the pimple is very minor, but sometimes it can rupture deep in the skin and damage surrounding tissue, causing a nodule or cyst to form.
EMC2 works by disguising itself as sebum so it can penetrate deep into pores and kill acne causing bacteria. Then this disguised sebum, which is medicated to kill acne causing bacteria, replaces the sebum that was on your skin in order to prevent irritation, future breakouts and tricks your body into slowing down the amount of oil it produces.
Click Here for Acne Tips & Facts or Here to find out How EMC2 Acne Cream works in detail.